Information : Climate of Thailand

Climate of Thailand

Thailand travel information

Most  of Thailand has  three  distinct seasons  which  shade  into one another. These  are  the  rainy  season,  the cool dry season,  and  the hot dry season. The  lushness of the vegetation  is accounted  for by the rainy season which normally  begins in May and gets  into  full swing in July, climaxes  in September or October, and then peters  out  in November. Just because  it is called  the rainy  season,  does  not mean it rains all  the  time, nor even every day. What it does mean  is that  it rains heavily  on many days, most often  in the afternoon, but rarely  for more than an hour  or  two.

In Bangkok and  the Central Plains,  rain averages  about  200 mm monthly  from May  to October,  and  temperatures overage 24 C  to 32 C, from night to day.  In Chiang Mai (North of Thailand)in the some  period,  rain overages  160 mm  monthly and temperatures  range  from 23C  to 31C. The North-east  falls  roughly  into  the some weather pattern, with a shorter and lighter  rainy season.

The cool dry season  from  late November  to February  is Thailand’s  most Pleasant. Temperatures drop  in the Central Plains  just enough to make all the difference,  with on average minimum temperature of 21'C, whilst  Chiang Mai goes down  to 14'C on average.

The most  unpleasant time  is the hot dry season  from  late February  to early May, when  temperatures  are usually  in the upper 30s  in the daytime and  the will to do anything  at all evaporates. Most of Thai people  take our holidays  in April (if we  have  them)  and  the long university and  school  vacations  wisely extend through this period. Also if you know about Thai New year festival call "Song kran" it is set on 13 - 15 of May every year. In This festival is very very happy for every body if you were there you will definitely get wet with water from our blow. The  north-east areas experience the hottest weather at this time.

These  patterns prevail except  in  the south, where  there  is  less seasonal  variation and more constant attribution  of rainfall  and  temperature. Since  this peninsular  region  receives  two monsoons, rain  falls  in December  and January  too.

